In episode 21 of Sousei no Onmyouji, Mayura advises Benio to read a manga titled Hoshino Hitomi no Silhouette ("Hoshino Hitomi's Silhouette") to learn how to deal with Rokuro romantically.
After googling around a bit, I noticed that this work is a clear parody of a work with a homophonous title ― Hoshi no Hitomi no Silhouette ("Silhouettes of the Eyes of the Stars"), published 1985-89. The author of the fictional work is "Kaede Akane", whose name means "Maple-tree Red", while the real work is by Hiiragi Aoi, which can be read as meaning "Holly-plant Blue". I point this out to emphasize that this is clearly an allusion of sorts.
Mayura describes this manga as a "bible of romance", supposedly read by four million girls, and shows us these archetypical shoujo-romance scenes from the manga:
I don't have any context for why the author might have chosen to parody this particular shoujo romance manga, though. Might there be some sort of connection between Sukeno Yoshiaki (author of Sousei no Onmyouji) and Hiiragi Aoi? Or is Hoshi no Hitomi no Silhouette a particularly classic exemplar of shoujo romance manga?