The El Hazard series, written by Ryoe Tsukimura and directed by Hiroki Hayashi, consists of two OVA series and two TV anime:


TV Series

How are these different productions related? What is the best order for someone to enjoy them?

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Chronologically by release, it goes:

  1. The first OVA, El Hazard: The Magnificent World (OVA1, 1995)
  2. The first TV series, El Hazard: The Wanderers (TV1, 1995)
  3. The second OVA, El Hazard 2: The Magnificent World (OVA2, 1997)
  4. The second TV series, El-Hazard: The Alternative World (TV2, 1998)

The Wanderers TV series (TV1) is of a seperate continuity (basically a retelling of the OVA series, but aimed at a younger demographic) to the two OVAs (OVA1 + OVA2).

The Alternative World TV series (TV2) is set after the second Magnificent World OVA.

So chronologically by story, it goes:

  1. Magnificent World (OVA1) ⇒ 2. Magnificent World (OVA2) ⇒ 3. Alternative World (TV2)

|| ...somewhere completely unrelated... || The Wanderers (TV1) ⤛

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