The Puella Magi Homura Tamura spinoff manga follows Tamura, who is actually Homura, but no one can ever remember her name and she gets called Tamura (among other things) until it sticks.
During the series, we find out that there's a bar called Akemi-ya where different versions of Homura congregate in between repetitions of the timeline, relax, eat, drink, compare experiences, and do short skits.
Some of the Homuras are radically different from the original Homura in the anime. There's a prankster Homura, a child genius Homura, and a princess Homura served by a butler Homura, like an all-Homura version of Mayo Chiki.
While reading Volume 1, I assumed Tamura, the main Homura, was supposed to be the original Homura from the anime, as in the other spinoff manga. But unlike the original Homura, Tamura is able to reflect on her own actions, recognize mistakes, and feel empathy (sometimes excessively). We see in Volume 1 that there are lookalike timeflows that correspond closely to the original, non-silly timeline, so Tamura could actually be a Homura from a lookalike timeline. What evidence is there in the series for or against Tamura being the original Homura from the anime?