As everyone who's seen Evangelion knows, the alternate-reality segment in the last episode (of the 1995 TV series) prominently features a scene where Rei, mouth entoasted, runs into Shinji on her way to school.
To those of us living in the year 2016, this is an obvious cliche; countless many anime have portrayed the same thing in the two decades since (episode 1 of Nichibros has my favorite rendition). But would viewers in 1995 have seen this as a cliche?
It seems plausible that Evangelion could have been using the toast-collision trope as a touchstone to really drive home the prototypical-slice-of-life nature of the alternate reality. But then again, it also seems plausible that the toast-collision was only an incidental feature of the segment, and that the trope's present-day status as a cliche is a consequence of other shows imitating Evangelion. I don't really have enough of a pre-Evangelion knowledge base to discern which is true.