Unfortunately, the English translations of the manga ends in chapter 37 and I can't read Japanese. I already know that the end of the anime differs from the storyline of the manga, since Yoshino and Hakaze end up together in the anime.
After reading some comments about the final chapter of the manga, it seems that they didn't end up together. I also heard that Yoshino rejected her in the nicest way because he thought her feelings for him would dwindle down as time goes by, and he didn't deserve her. However, Hakaze said he was the only man for her and she wouldn't give up on him.
That's why I've looked through the 6 special chapters with the hope of some hints that they do end up together in the near future, but I wasn't able to interpret something just by seeing the pictures.
Do these specials or even one of them continue the story after the end of the manga (chapter 44) and are there any hints Yoshino and Hakaze could end up together?