The animated Akira movie (not the manga) contains a number of explicit Judeo-Christian religious terms, in addition to the overall apocalyptic themes. The most prominent of these (from the 2001 dub) are:
When the citizens of Neo-Tokyo see Tetsuo deflect tank shells and destroy helicopters and tanks, somebody shouts out, "It's the Great Awakening!" while another says, "Don't be fooled! This isn't the Rapture! He's a false messiah!"
Later, Lady Miyako appears with her entourage and, during the chaos of battle, chants, "Burn all the unclean believers of our time! Give yourselves into the flames, children, you will all be born again. Consume our hearts! Wash our unclean hearts in the eternal fire!"
While different cuts of the movie may be of different runtimes, the scenes I'm referring to occur from approximately 1:06:00 (Tetsuo walking out of the smoke of the exploding helicopter) until 1:08:00 (Nezu's escape), and then 1:10:00 (Miyako's entourage) until 1:12:00 (Tetsuo destroys the bridge).
Were these religious references, extremely familiar to American Christian society, part of the original Japanese dialogue, or were they 'westernized' for the English dub? What was the meaning of these quotes in the original Japanese context? (e.g., did it refer to messianic figures or raptures etc?)