The first episode of Kūsen Madōshi Kōhosei no Kyōkan shows Kanata risking his life for his friends. However, when they show him next, they call him a traitor.
The wiki is very unhelpful in this regard.
Why they call him a traitor?
The first episode of Kūsen Madōshi Kōhosei no Kyōkan shows Kanata risking his life for his friends. However, when they show him next, they call him a traitor.
The wiki is very unhelpful in this regard.
Why they call him a traitor?
Well... no one knows, not as of the end of episode one, anyway. According to the first episode, while everyone else was escaping, something happened with Kanata. Nothing else was revealed other than that, so it's basically all speculation until they reveal it.
The volume 1's prologue of the light novel gives you a kind of good understanding of why he is a traitor, but beyond that, it isn't discussed much. Assumptions are that after their big battle, he lost his power for combat.
In the start, he basically sacrificed himself to let everyone else escape. It might look as something's wrong when they call him a traitor.
True fact, but actually the first episode has the answer. When he sacrificed himself, that was either somewhere into the future or he did something to acquire his title.
My own speculation is that once a certain episode has been released, we'll be back in the present to see what happened after he risked his life for his teammates.
However, this is extremely flawed because there is no proof of what I am saying.