In the original Dragon Ball series, Master Roshi (Kame-sennin) realizes that Goku turned into a rampaging ape due to the effects of the full moon, and comes up with a characteristically Dragon Ball solution—just blow the stupid thing up! After all, who needs it?
After this, the moon is restored by the Dragon Balls, if I recall correctly. Later, Piccolo blows it up again to stop Gohan's rampage during their training.
It's become sort of a stereotype of Dragon Ball that people are constantly blowing up the moon, and that sometimes when they do it, the moon has already been blown up and yet mysteriously reappears just to be blown up again. My question is, just how many times was the moon blown up? And how many of those instances were plot holes, if any?
This forum thread makes some unsourced claims about the answer to this question. I wasn't exactly filled with confidence in its accuracy, though.
Answers covering any of the available material (the manga, the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z anime, the movies, and the Dragon Ball GT anime) are appreciated.