I was enjoying my lunch over the 8th episode of YuriYuri and right at the beginning there was this unusual calendar:
Truth be told, this is the first time I see a calendar like that. As you can see, it consists of 3 parts which seem to be made of wood. The lower part says "April", so I assume it is removable so that the cubes above it can rotate, and that there are 11 more like it somewhere else in store.
Now the tricky part is the numbers. The 2 blocks on top are set up to read "01" which is for April the 1st. But the top side of the block that reads 0 in front, has a 6 on it. What's going on? And there are only 4 sides that can be rotated with their front sides for each digit to form a number of a day of the month. Is this an animation mistake? If not, how can this calendar thingie work?
Also, is it even possible to make them read all numbers from 01 to 31?