On episode 8 of Monogatari Series: Second Season, when Araragi tries to find where Tsunade (Hachikuji's mother) live. He met Lolikawa - young Hanekawa, and she was reading a book
What book is it?
On episode 8 of Monogatari Series: Second Season, when Araragi tries to find where Tsunade (Hachikuji's mother) live. He met Lolikawa - young Hanekawa, and she was reading a book
What book is it?
She was reading "On the Banks of Plum Creek". It is a children's book written in 1937 by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The book is based on Laura's childhood at Plum Creek near Walnut Grove, Minnesota in the late nineteenth century. It describes the family's move to Minnesota, where they live in a dugout until a new house is built and face misfortunes caused by flood, blizzard, and grasshoppers.