You can learn to bug your parents at home, in public, and in the car, if you want to have some fun at their expense. This'll drive them nuts.


  1. 1
    Fail at your chores.
    • When you do a chore, like washing the dishes, always forget to clean the forks.
    • Always leave your shoes where they're not supposed to be.
    • Always forget to do simple chores, like hanging up your backpack or your coat.
    • Make your room a mess. If you see your parents cleaning somewhere, immediately make a mess in that room.
    • "Forget" every time you're asked to do something simple, like take out the trash, or walk the dog.
    • If you have a chore, complain about how it's too hard.
    • Say you don't know how to do something. After they explain how to do it, say you forgot.
  2. 2
    Pester your parents with repetitive habits.
    • Click the light switch on and off a lot in the room they are in.
    • Walk into the room when they are trying to watch a film and constantly ask questions about everything.[1]
    • If you are on a car trip, constantly shout "Are we there yet?"
    • If you have siblings, ask who they love more, you or them.
    • Follow them around the house and step on the back of their shoes. Apologize. Repeat.
    • When they ask you to go get something, come back without anything. When they ask again, come back with something that's not what they ask for. Keep doing this.
  3. 3
    Try some sabotage.
    • Set their alarm clock for 6 'o' clock in the morning on a weekend.
    • Sprinkle a little bit of water on their pillow so they think the roof is leaking, or perhaps your pet is peeing on their bed.
    • Write your name in the dust all over your parents car.
    • Turn the heat down when it's cold, and up when it's hot.
    • Make them drive you to school. When you're almost there, say you forgot something super important. When you're almost home, "find" it.
    • Ask them for help with your homework. Then when they sit down, get up and leave them to do it.
  4. 4
    Hide your parents' stuff.
    • Hide the TV remote.
    • Hide their mobile phone, or hide the house phone if you've got a cordless.
    • Hide their wallets and purses.
    • Hide their keys, right as they're about to leave the house.
  5. 5
    Embarrass your parents in public.
    • If you are in a store with them, constantly pick things up and ask how much they are.
    • If you're somewhere there are other people, look at a guy next to you and loudly ask your parent why he smells like farts.
    • Start begging for candy or junk food at the grocery store: "Can I have this, please?"
    • Beg to go to the bathroom. When your parents find a bathroom, say you don't have to go anymore.
  6. 6
    Say insulting but honest things.
    • If they come near to your face and say something, suddenly jerk back and shout "Have you been eating garlic?" or "You look old."
    • If your parents have bought some new shoes, turn to look at them and then say "What ARE you wearing?!"
    • If your parents are scared of spiders, or dogs, or something tiny, make fun of them whenever they freak out about that thing.
  7. 7
    Start talking in an annoying way.
    • Use bad grammar and don't stop even after your parents correct it.
    • Call your parents by their first names, instead of "mom" and "dad."
    • Pretend that you are deaf in one ear and constantly yell "What?" or "Talk louder, I can't hear you!"
    • Talk in a different accent, or just jabber at them in a made up language.
  8. 8
    Be loud.[2]
    • Turn your music up really loud, especially if they don't like the music.
    • If they say a word from a song, suddenly burst out into that song, singing really badly at the top of your lungs.
    • Jump up and down the stairs, rather that walking.
    • Slam doors.
    • Laugh really over the top if someone tells a joke.
    • Walk into a room and scream, saying you have seen a ghost.
    • Chew with your mouth open and slurp when you drink.
  9. 9
    Be smart in a dumb way.
    • Correct your parents' grammar constantly, but incorrectly. When they say, "Who wants ice cream?" yell back, "Whom wants ice cream, you mean, I believe."
    • Try talking really "properly," even if you don't know what you're saying. Pick a really long word, like "philandering" and use it constantly: "Well, frankly darling, this philandering philistine hasn't got a cotton picking clue."
    • Recite random facts when your parents try talking to you, or just make them up: "At school we learned about how the interior crust of the moon is where they get the stuff for cellphone screens. They send kids up there to get it."
    • Say vague nonsense. If they ask what you did at a friend's house, say, "It was....totalitarian."
  10. 10
    Be weird.
    • If they are walking to the bathroom, run in and lock the door and tell them you were desperate.
    • Talk to 10 imaginary friends, all at once.
    • Just start summarizing the plot of Star Wars, or telling your parents about your skeleton key to the underworld in super-specific and dramatic detail.
    • Wait until you have the house to yourself and move around all the furniture, stacking it in weird places.
    • Put on all your clothes backwards.


  • Acting like this could become a bad habit, causing you to have trouble making friends and becoming an annoying person in general.
  • This might make your parents mad. It's important to be respectful. Annoying your parents on purpose can affect your relationship in negative ways.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 77 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 293,498 times.
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Co-authors: 77
Updated: September 14, 2020
Views: 293,498