One-Punch Man (ワンパンマン) is a webcomic written and designed by ONE. It follows the story of Saitama, a hero bored by being too powerful.
The story takes place in the fictional Japanese metropolis of City Z. The world is full of strange monsters that mysteriously appear and cause disasters. Saitama, the protagonist, is an incredibly powerful hero who can easily defeat the monsters or other villains with a single punch. However, due to his overwhelming strength, Saitama has become bored with his powers and is constantly trying to find stronger opponents who can fight him.
Related works :
The originial webcomic was created, designed and written by ONE. It began publication in 2009 and is still airing.
An adaptation into a manga was made. As the story follows the webcomic, it has been also written by ONE and designed by Yusuke Murata
A 12 episode anime season has been published by Madhouse between October 5, 2015 and December 21, 2015. It was directed by Shingo Natsume, written by Tomohiro Suzuki. The musics were made by Makoto Miyazaki. Multiple OVA has also been released.
Sources and external links :
One Punch Man Wikipedia page
One Punch Man Wiki
The Webcomic official site