Use this tag for questions about the "Monogatari" series of light novels by Nisio Isin, as well as the anime adaptations produced by SHAFT (including Bakemonogatari ("Ghostory"), Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari: Kuro, Monogatari Second Season, Hanamonogatari, and Tsukimonogatari).
Monogatari (物語, "story") is the general name for a series of light novels written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Vofan. This series revolves around a third-year high school student, Koyomi Araragi, who was a vampire for a while, but has almost regained his humanity.
The light novels received a number of anime adaptations.
- The first one, based on the Bakemonogatari novel and animated by the studio Shaft, aired in summer 2009 and had 12 episodes followed by 3 bonus episodes.
- The second one, based on Nisemonogatari, aired in winter 2012 and had 11 episodes.
- The third one, based on Nekomonogatari (Black) aired on December 31, 2012.
- The fourth one, an anime named Monogatari Series Second Season aired on July 6, 2013 and had 26 episodes. It based on several Monogatari Series Light Novel, which are Nekomonogatari:White, Kabukimonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari, and Koimonogatari.
- The fifth one, based on Hanamonogatari have all of its five episodes aired on Augustus 6, 2014.
- The Sixth one, based on Tsukimonogatari have all of its four episodes aired on December 31, 2014.
Other media includes a drama CD, released on August 3, 2009; a PlayStation Portable visual novel titled Bakemonogatari Portable that was released on August 23, 2012; and a number of nendoroid figures.
More information about the series can be found in the Wikipedia article and Bakemonogatari Wikia