Questions tagged [death-note]

Death Note is a manga written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata, with various adaptations. The protagonist, Yagami Light, finds a notebook which can be used to kill anyone, and tries to use this to reform society as he sees fit.

Death Note image

Death Note is a Japanese manga series, created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and manga artist Takeshi Obata, about a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook, the "Death Note", dropped on Earth by a shinigami (a god of death). The Death Note grants its user the ability to kill anyone whose name and face they know, by writing the name in the notebook. It has had several adaptations (anime, anime movie, novel, live-action movie).

For more information on the franchise, see its Wikipedia page or the Death Note wiki.

216 questions
2 answers

If a Death Note user specifies, along with the actual target, the name of a person whose face the user doesn't know, will that person live?

It has been confirmed by L that if a person's name is written in the Death Note, and they are written to die in a form that specifies another person's name, (like "L Lawliet will die after he deletes all his evidence on Light Yagi and goes to Misa…
1 answer

Can Death Note be used to indirectly kill more than one person by killing the driver of a train/bus/plane?

If you state "Jack Hare" will die at precisely 15:00 12/03/14 without stating the location, and you write this without knowing where they will be at the time, and the person goes to work as per normal, can this be used to kill more than one person?
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Could you avoid to die due to the death note if you have no heart in your body?

Death note states that if there's no other way a person would die due to a heart attack, but what if when you should die via the death note you have no heart? And no, that's not a silly question, there's a machine used for heart tranplant surgery…
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What happens to the lifespan not collected by Shinigami?

In the Rules of the Death Note (i can't remember exactly which rule) and said by Ryuk himself when he was explaining things to Light ealry in the series, the main difference between a Human using the Death Note and a Shinigami using the Death Note…
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Can a death note have multiple owners?

In episode 23/24, Light killed Higuchi to become the owner of his Death Note. It was important that he hold the Death Note so that he wouldn't lose his memory again. After he killed Higuchi, he became the new owner of the Death Note, because he…
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3 answers

Does Near want to use the death note for himself?

Tsugumi Ohba, writer of Death Note, said that Near "becomes less likeable" as the story advances, citing Near's plan to take the notebook at a later point in the story. Ohba said that a negative reaction originated from "the difference in their…
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1 answer

What does the second part of rule VII mean?

hello it's me again with another question about my favorite anime/manga death note. So, here's my question: what does rule VIII's second part mean: Even if you do not actually possess the Death Note, the effect will be the same if you can…
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What do the Death Note shinigami gamble with?

In the Death Note anime, Ryuk says that in the Shinigami world, there isn't much to do but gamble and be lazy. But if there is nothing of value in the world, what do the shinigami gamble with? What do they bet? Or do they just do it to win for the…
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Why didn't Light skip a few grades?

Light was bored as everything was easy for him until he found the death note. So why didn't he skip a grade or two and graduate early? That seems like it would be the most logical thing to do for Light if he was bored.
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How did Demegawa and Kira communicate in Death Note?

In the latter part of the Death Note anime, and manga, Kira begins communicating with his followers to give them instructions. One such instruction is to his "evangelist" Demegawa. After Near takes over the investigations Light finds out about the…
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1 answer

Why didn't Rem kill Light?

Light had betrayed Rem; he had caused L and Watari to be the threat to Misa. So why didn't Rem kill him as well?
2 answers

Would Misa get back her Shinigami Eyes?

So I was watching Death Note, and at a certain point Misa loses her Death Note, her memories, and her eyes. What would happen, if she gets her Death Note back for some reason? - would her shinigami eyes come back?
2 answers

Why does the Shinigami eye deal exist?

From Shinigami's perspective, why would they take that deal? As we know they can write a human's name in the notebook and they'll get the remaining lifespan of that human added to theirs. So why would they bother giving away the eyes?
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Why did Light didn't reply to second Kira separately from L?

In Deathnote, when L received a recording from the T.V. channel which he concluded to be second Kira, he replied to it disguising as Kira. However, during the subsequent conversation, only the second Kira and L's team acting as Kira conversed. In…
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Were there any Death Note Rules not shown mid episode of the anime?

In the anime when there is a break in the episode we have scenes that look similar to the "How to Use" pages of the manga. except they aren't titled like "How to Use XVI". I am wondering, are there any rules that were in the "How to Use" Pages that…
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